Tarkim Filed for IPO

Tarkim Bitki Koruma A.Ş. has applied for a public offering.

Tarkim Bitki Koruma AŞ applied for a public offering to the Capital Markets Board and Borsa Istanbul on 08.07.2021 through Ahlatcı Yatırım Menkul Değerler.

Tarkim Bitki Koruma A.Ş., in which the Central Union of Türkiye Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri has 60% and Gübre Fabrikaları Türk AŞ has 40% shares, will carry out the public offering by increasing its issued capital from TL 16,000,000 to TL 21,000,000 within the registered capital ceiling of TL 250,000,000 and by restricting the rights of existing partners to acquire new shares for the increased nominal value shares of TL 5,000,000.

The shares with a nominal value of 5,000,000 TL to be offered to the public will be traded on Borsa Istanbul.

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