The Central Union of Türkiye Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri is a shareholder;
İmece Yem AŞ, Big Yem AŞ, Denizli Yem AŞ, Tes Tarım, Sakarya Yem AŞ, Poyraz Yem AŞ, Altınova Yem AŞ, Başak Yem AŞ, the company was registered and became a legal entity on 02.01.2013 in order to provide more effective and higher quality production in the market under a single brand name, central management, raw material supply, ease of coordination, distribution, etc. and to provide competitive advantage.
Within the framework of the system of meeting and monitoring the production needs of the supplier in the feed and milk sector in recent years and ensuring the supply of raw materials at the desired quality, Tarım Kredi Yem AŞ took over Tarım Kredi Süt AŞ. In addition, Tarım Kredi Yem AŞ increased its capacity by renting the Uzunköprü Feed Factory, Kırklareli Feed Factory and Taşova Feed Factory owned by Tarım Kredi Gıda AŞ. Having 40 years of experience at the level of individual factories, Tarım Kredi Yem AŞ continues to meet the feed needs of our country by opening İzmir Tire and Şanlıurfa Factories for production in 2020.